Our history...

Ronald Rademann, after growing trees in the garden for a few years, purchased a 58 acre farm south of Fond du Lac, Wisconsin and started planting small trees in 1981. We currently are cultivating trees on 6 owned & leased properties in 3 Wisconsin counties on over 200 acres. 

What we look like from space:

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What we do...

Midpark Nurseries, Inc., is a specialty grower of larger B&B plants. Caliper sized deciduous shade, ornamental and fruit trees and specimen quality conifers are grown in Wisconsin's rich heavy topsoil/clay loam. Over 100 varieties in sizes up to 6" caliper & 25' tall are offered machine dug either individually or in quantity.

For over 35 years now we've satisfied customers from New Hampshire to Alaska and everywhere in between. An extensive Year Round inventory of Container Grown & chipped in irrigated B&B trees & shrubs for local landscape contractors is also maintained. Individual specimen trees up to 12" caliper are also available for spading directly to a jobsite or your yard.

Our Staff...

We have a staff of dedicated experienced people ready to show off their products. Many of our key people have been with us for many years now, employee turnover is minimal. General Operations Supervisor Steve Law 25+ years, Yard Operations Supervisor Osiel Hernandez 15+ Years, & Field Operations Supervisor Edwin Perez 20+ Years are our key production people; Ronald Rademann, Owner, 40 years, Sales and Chief Operations' Officer. This long term focus ensures a consistent high quality product.